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Something New And Exciting For Ashfield!

Listen up all parents of babies and pre-walkers or soon to be parents! You need to hear about the exciting new place that you can go to spend time with your little one called Little Glow Ashfield!

I will allow Karen, the lovely owner to tell us more.

What is Little Glow’s mission?

Little Glow aims to provide a calming relaxing environment for new mums and babies, from birth to pre walking. A chance to meet up with friends, and also giving mums a place to socialise, make new friends and help reduce PND.

Where did your inspiration come from?

I met with Roxanne Hodson, the franchise owner and director of The Little Sensory Co in Leicester a few month ago, I spoke about how I’d love to bring Little Glow to Nottinghamshire, there aren’t that many places you can take a little one from such a young age. It’s really important that new mums don’t feel isolated.
I know I often did when my son was little. We loved sensory rooms, we’ve still got a bubble tube in his bedroom and glow star stickers on his ceiling, and he’ll be 4 this year!

What do you feel Little Glow will provide for the local community?

Little Glow is such a magical space for babies, sensory play is so important in those early years.
It’s been proven to be hugely beneficial for your baby, an important part of early childhood development. Providing your little one with opportunities to explore their senses, through touch, sight, sound and smell. It all plays a crucial role in their brain development.
There are a vast amount of benefits linked with sensory play, including development of motor skills, cognitive learning, memory function and social interaction skills. It can also have a calming influence on anxious or frustrated children and has been proven to be beneficial for those with SEN.

Where and when can parents access little glow and what is the cost per session?

Little Glow can be found every Monday morning at Ravenshead Leisure centre, launching 22nd July (sold out!), just over the road from the beautiful Newstead Abbey, 10-12, £3.90 for 1 hours use. From birth to pre walking.

At Jungletastic launching on Wednesday 24th July from 10-12, £3.90 for 1 hours use, from birth to pre walking, then you get a generous 1 hour free play in the play centre, they have an under 4 zone, where you are made welcome to relax in the cafe, they serve hot and cold drinks and all sorts of lovely food.

Then In September after the summer holidays we’ll be at Squiggles in Hucknall, launching at Thursday 5th September!

First 20 mums to pre book on the launch dates all receive a goody bag full of vouchers, flyers, samples and delights from other local independent businesses! We support local and hope you will too.

Such a fabulous opportunity and a place I think I would quite like to go myself to relax with some beautiful sensory input. So, if you are around Ravenshead, Mansfield, Ashfield And Hucknall be sure to check out Little Glow with your babies! The website is here, and why not go and give them some love on Facebook too? Thanks, Karen, for the use of your images as well.